Colour your mood

How you work with colours in your garden can create diverse effects. Some people do not bother with colour and just let things happen, while others like the idea of spending a bit more time and planning in more detail. Designing colour themes is easier than you might think if you have a couple of hints.
Marketers use colours to motivate us subliminally. Why not apply it to our own backyard to create the mood and atmosphere we want? Understanding what the colours really do for us is a good start. It allows gardeners to obtain the maximum from  their flower beds. Your selection of  colour can create an illusion, making some flowers appear closer or further than they really are. Planting bright colours in the distance will make them appear closer if lighter shades are planted nearer the viewer. And if darker shades are added instead nearer the viewer, it will make bright colours seem more distant.

Some colours, like orange, yellow and red, can make you feel warm. Coolness can be achieved with blues and greens. If these colours are used in the shade, it will seem even more refreshing. If you plant compatible colours, like pastels, they will create a gentle and peaceful mood. Monotonous colour will create a calm sense, and strong and contrasting colours will induce energy and excitement. Interplanting white and soft yellow  can help you to soften excessively strong areas. Strong colours get your attention and the viewer will be attracted to them, so plant accordingly. One bright and vivid container of red geraniums at your door will be spectacular, but too many in your yard will confuse the viewer’s eye.

Yellow is the colour of joy and sunshine. It is a colour of clarity and one that the eye is drawn to. It is filled with energy and illumination. A true yellow is cheerful and vibrant in the garden.

Orange is exciting and dynamic. Warm and cheery, orange flowers are best set against clear blues and pinks but suffer against purples and dark blues, which create dullness. To create a soothing mood, combine pale shades of orange with greys, pinks, or silver-blues.

 Shades of red may be hard to use in your garden. Many are almost too strong and stimulating to comfort your senses. Red delivers a punch of energy, so plant it strategically and sparingly. When planted with red, peach, pink and violet shades will make an interesting mix. Silver or gold variegated foliage goes well with red. Mix deep-dark reds with true reds to create a great combination of comfortable tones.

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